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July 2021 IT Security Committee

Aggie Desktop presented at the July 2021 UC Davis IT Security Committee meeting on BigFix patching, including:

ISS June 2019: Using BigFix to Secure 6,500 Workstations Across Research and Administration

Patching endpoints is simple in principle, but difficult in practice. From users who refuse to reboot, to patches that break major functionality, to software that can't be patched while other software is running (looking at you, Java!), patching is fraught. When you add in the differences between research and business IT environments, the complexity of patching can spiral out of control.

What Aggie Desktop is NOT

Understand Aggie Desktop by learning what the service is not about...

  • End-user support
  • Software licensing
  • Hardware procurement
  • Inclusive of speciality apps
  • Mandatory or prescriptive
  • Opaque